We appreciate your prayers, support, and donations; please join us in saying thanks be to God whose mercies endure forever.
The next chapter in this four-year water story:
To sell safe, sustainable water to the community, you need a roadside kiosk, security, shade for the sales person and some plumbing. Did I mention there is no budget allotted for this brainstorm? I discovered a ventilated generator shed I built from scraps several years ago that was no longer being used. Originally it was attached to the electric power supply house so it only had three sides. Perfect!
Now let’s hire six local men to carry it three-quarters of a mile uphill from the boarding area to the water tower. No budget, remember? Richard, the manager, gives me 12 “musclemen” boys from the senior class. Thank you very much, but they were showing off to the girls and dropped the shed repeatedly. (Remember when you were that age and wanted to impress the opposite sex?) Let’s just say it needed a week’s worth of work and some more scrounging for materials. On March 5, 2020 we served our first community customer safe drinking water. For about 10 cents, a person could fill their five-gallon jug. We’re going to try to hold this price as the daily income in this area varies from $ 2.77 to $ 6.68 per day. For now, Point Of Grace is trying to absorb the maintenance cost, but can always use your support for filters, labor, and chemicals in the future. Please click here to donate.
The two containers that brought so much to Point of Grace Academy in May have now been converted into a new classroom space for the 60 + children in preschool.