Contact Us

The best way to contact 4KenyasKids is with the form below. Please fill in your name, email address and detailed message. Include your phone number if you would like to talk direct to a volunteer in the USA, we will be happy to call you as soon as possible.

Please help us continue to keep our expenses low by contacting 4KenyasKids thru email or US mail (addresses below).  4KenyasKids is a small ministry with volunteer staff in the U.S. If you would like to talk direct to a volunteer in the USA, include your phone number and we will be happy to call you as soon as possible.

E-mail Address
Please direct e-mails to with any questions, comments, or concerns. You may also reach Reverend or Deaconess Meeker at this same email address.

U.S. Mailing Address
P.O. Box 643
New Haven, Indiana 46774
(Letters addressed to the Meeker’s will be forwarded in a monthly mailing to them.)