On Being a Sponsor
July 26, 2017

There's simply no other explanation for the growth and success of Point of Grace (POG) - other than the hand of God is at work. People said to us before we left to visit Kenya, "You'll probably feel so sorry for those kids when you see how little they have, won't you?" Well, we felt sorry, alright - for ourselves and our excesses - ashamed, really. These kids are so happy and full of love for God and one another. Meeting Talia, Natasha, and Shantel, the girls that our family sponsors, was beyond exciting. We can’t imagine *not* sponsoring these girls.
If you don't think God can use you to make a difference, you're wrong. He can, and He will. Pray that He would show you how your time, talents, and treasures fit into His plan. Looking after widows and orphans in their distress (Jam 1:27) is something we can all do.
POG is an amazing place, where God is doing amazing things. Being even a small part of that is an amazing experience!