Six team members from Our Shepherd Lutheran Church in Avon, Indiana joined Pastor Lepley and his family at Point of Grace on June 8. The team used Joshua 1:9 as their guide for their trip “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”.
What an experience, the team grew together to meet the challenges and to enjoy the people and students at Point of Grace. Thanks to Our Shepherd the school now has 3 greenhouses which the team members helped to prepare the soil and plant with the help of students.

These greenhouses are supplying produce to feed the children with excess being sold to the community.
Other opportunities the team experienced were home visits, VBS - theme “Our God is so Big”, what a wonderful time sharing this with the over 500 children for 3 days.