Status of school in Kenya - as of now 95% of our children are still in their homes. The government is projecting return to school PERHAPS in January. We pray this happens soon for the sake of our students, their well being and their education - please keep them in your prayers.
For now, there are many other projects being worked on at Point of Grace - bible verse “when there is little" - the 43 students remaining at school along with community gathered, contributed of their meager belongings and helped the many residents in Kisumu who lost everything with a recent flood.
Lorna has been sending food to the families, elderly and any needy family to help them sustain through the virus.
The children have volunteered to do all of the cleaning and upkeep at the school and property.
The farm is going GREAT!!!! Tomato crop continues to produce, Ruby had her calf “Riziki” a beautiful brown and white calf. Our chickens are growing, the old chicken coop has been revamped and made larger using tin sheets from another building that is being renovated.
We now have room for 500 more chickens in this space. They have been able to use the broilers and eggs to feed our own children, sell some and support the chicken project during this time.
Thirteen children in residence were confirmed the end of May. Thanks be to Tobias and Jacob - 2019 graduates of POG who were attending the seminary in Motango. Since that was closed as well they returned to POG. Pastor seeing an amazing opportunity to help the boys practice their teaching skills and be able to maintain the social distancing the 3 conducted confirmation classes. Congratulations to these 13 students for being witnesses to their faith.
Another 2019 graduate Sara Sauda is helping the students with a reading program every day. Our students are used to being kept busy 7 days a week for most of the day. This is quite a different routine for them and they are adapting to the change every way they can.
Pastor Meeker's 2020 Christmas Message of Thanks and Blessings! Please watch the video by clicking the "Read full article" link below. It is a message for all ages... so gather the children to watch & listen too...