2019 Groundbreaking Ceremony - A Milestone to Our Mission

June 03, 2019

To all our beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Grace, mercy, and peace be to each one of you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Amen! I speak these words at the beginning of every sermon I preach. As I age I understand more clearly how this grace endeavors to besiege us all and it can only be successful in Christ. Apart from Him, we can do nothing!

We are very happy to inform all our partners that we had a groundbreaking ceremony for the building of the High School on March 15, 2019. We were blessed to have this ceremony presided over by Pastor Dan Lepley, chairman of the board of 4 Kenya’s Kids U.S. and Senior Pastor of Our Shepherd Lutheran Church, Avon, Indiana. This is an answer to a lot of prayers and a milestone for the mission. There were many guests and dignitaries in attendance. It was a great day under the wings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is just the beginning of a very large project and we continue to covet your prayers.

It is very humbling to witness the student population of Point of Grace Academy rise above 700. It is very clear that the Divine Service sets us apart from the norm. Jesus Christ at the center of all that is happening creates an assembly of reverence, respect, and peace that surpasses all understanding. Lord in your mercy hear our prayer! We give You all praise, honor, and glory for Jesus sake. Amen!

Lorna and I are always overwhelmed with joy as all of you support this mission with your prayers. Christ is the foundation for all things and prayer is very important. Everything else falls in place in God's own timing. We thank each and every one of you very much for standing with us. God bringing you into our path of life has been a great blessing for us. We will be forever grateful. On behalf of all the children and staff of Point of Grace Academy we say “Thank You"!

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Dennis Meeker

Also in Hello From The Meekers

Pastor Meeker's Christmas Message 2022

December 22, 2022

Advent season is upon us and the coming of Christ is a year closer. I must say that the love of Christ is beyond any words that comes to my mind! Watching His children grow reminds me of how fast time flies. How God orchestrates every detail of one’s life is amazing.

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Pastor Meeker's Christmas Message 2021

December 14, 2021

You are never forgotten as Christ has us united with an unbreakable bond in His Word and Sacrament! To Him — Jesus Christ be all praise, honor, and glory! Amen

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Pastor Meeker's Christmas 2020 Message

December 22, 2020

Pastor Meeker's 2020 Christmas Message of Thanks and Blessings! Please watch the video by clicking the "Read full article" link below. It is a message for all ages... so gather the children to watch & listen too...

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